These 60 questions are evenly split, with 12 per trait, and is usually completed in about 15 minutes. A second, and shorter exam is known as the NEO Five-Factor Inventory, otherwise called the NEO-FFI has 60 questions. The test has 240 questions designed to measure the candidate’s Big-Five personality traits. The NEO PI-R test is an untimed test, which is usually completed within a 90-minute timeframe. There are two variants of the NEO Personality Test, the NEO PI-R and the NEO Five-Factor Inventory. What Is the Format of the NEO Personality Inventory Test? The NEO PI-R measures the Big-Five traits: conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism, and openness to experience. The test has been shown to identify personality traits accurately for adolescents and adults alike. Companies in the hiring process sometimes use it as a pre-employment psychometric evaluation.

The NEO Personality Inventory is a recognized psychological assessment and is accepted worldwide.

The NEO Personality Inventory test is one of the many assessments used for this task. This has become commonplace in the job market as companies have moved from a position of merely separating candidates based on academic aptitude, to employing the use of psychometric assessments to evaluate the personality traits of employees to explore how well their personalities align with the job at hand. Job seekers by now must be used to sitting for pre-employment screening tests whenever they apply for jobs. NEO Personality Inventory Online Preparation 2022